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Simply Lightroom Develop
Welcome to Simply Lightroom Develop
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Section 1: Lightroom Essential Editing
1.1 Section Introduction (1:00)
1.2 Setting and Controlling the White Balance (7:03)
1.3 Using the Lightroom Histogram (5:31)
1.4 Exposure and Contrast Tone Adjustment (5:39)
1.5 Adjusting Image Tones (3:39)
1.6 Exporting an Image (5:10)
1.7 Section Conclusion and Exercise
Section 2: Correcting Problems with Lightroom
2.1 Section Introduction
2.2 Spot Removal (7:08)
2.3 Applying Lens Corrections (4:10)
2.4 Fixing a Crooked Photo (2:22)
2.5 Cropping Images (2:35)
2.6 Correcting Perspective Problems (5:53)
2.7 Section Conclusion and Exercise
Sections 3: More Lightroom Adjustments
3.1 Section Introduction
3.2 Changing Camera Profiles (3:41)
3.3 Using the Presence Sliders (3:36)
3.4 Sharpening Photo Detail (8:14)
3.5 Applying Noise Reduction (2:46)
3.6 Section Conclusion and Exercise
Section 4: Applying Local Adjustments
4.1 Section Introduction (1:25)
4.1.1 Supplementary Guide
4.2 Using the Graduated Filter (4:26)
4.3 Adjusting Selections (3:17)
4.4 The Radial Filter (2:33)
4.5 Using the Adjustment Brush (7:25)
4.6 The Auto Mask and Erase Brush (3:34)
4.7 Using the Color Range Mask (4:47)
4.8 The Luminosity Range Mask (4:15)
4.9 Improved Sharpening & Noise Reduction (5:36)
4.10 Creating Complex Selections (4:08)
4.11 Brushing Adjustments and Saving Presets (5:38)
4.12 Section Conclusion and Exercise
Section 5: Creating Lightroom Effects
5.1 Section Introduction
5.2 The HSL Tool (4:18)
5.3 Creating a Black & White Conversions (3:35)
5.4 Black & White Conversion Example (6:12)
5.5 Applying the Effects Panel Adjustments (5:13)
5.6 Split Toning Images (5:35)
5.7 Creating a Light Leak Effect (5:50)
5.8 Creating a Retro Faded Effect (4:49)
5.9 Section Conclusion and Exercise
Section 6: Lightroom Editing Features
6.1 Section Introduction
6.2 Using Lightroom Snapshots (2:07)
6.3 The Lightroom History List (2:04)
6.4 Comparing Images (2:52)
6.5 Conclusion
7: Editing Examples
7.1 Worked Example 1 - The Lake District (16:31)
7.2 Worked Example 2 - Panorama Stitching (14:05)
7.3 Worked Example 3 - HDR Creation (13:33)
2.6 Correcting Perspective Problems
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