Introduction to the Course

Welcome to Sharpening Photos with Adobe Lightroom

This short introductory video provides you with an overview of the course. The course has been arranged into three discreet sections and is designed to be viewed in that order. Please don’t be tempted to skip ahead or view the lectures out of sequence. The material won’t make much sense and you will make learning this subject difficult.

Accompanying the course videos, you will find other material such as text, quizzes and image files. Please do take the time to use these other resources. And if you are asked to complete an exercise, please ensure you do before moving on. These don’t take much time but do help you learn.

In case you weren’t aware, this course is designed as a companion to my book “The Photographers Guide to Image Sharpening in Lightroom” which is available on Amazon from January 2017. If you would like more in depth information about sharpening photographs in Adobe Lightroom then you might like to consider the book also.

Finally, don’t forget to sign up for my Lenscraft website ( It’s completely free and carries lots of valuable information for photographers.

Robin Whalley

Landscape Photographer

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