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Mastering Viveza 2 for Beautiful Colour Photography
Introducing Viveza
Introduction to Viveza
Downloading and Installing Viveza (1:56)
Launching Viveza from Lightroom (6:03)
Launching Viveza from Photoshop (4:44)
Introduction to Viveza - Section Conlusion
A First Example
Section Introduction & Files
First Example Introduction (2:01)
First Example Global Adjustments (3:53)
First Example Selective Adjustments (2:43)
First Example Finished Image
The Viveza Interface
The Viveza Interface (1:25)
The Viveza Interface - Views Region 1a (2:52)
The Viveza Interface - Views Region 1b (3:20)
The Viveza Interface - Regions 2 and 3 (3:15)
The Viveza Interface - Regions 4 (4:58)
The Viveza Interface Conclusion
The Viveza Adjustments
The Viveza Adjustments - Section Introduction
Viveza Adjustments - The Adjustment Controls (2:17)
Viveza Adjustments - Tonal Controls (7:53)
Viveza Adjustments - Colour Controls (4:21)
Viveza Adjustments - Levels and Curves (7:09)
The Viveza Adjustments - Section Conclusion
Applying Selective Adjustments
Applying Selective Adjustments - Section Introduction
Applying Selective Adjustments - Working with Control Points (5:44)
Applying Selective Adjustments - Understanding Masks (5:20)
Applying Selective Adjustments - Working with Control Point Groups (4:09)
Applying Selective Adjustments - Working with Layers (3:46)
Applying Selective Adjustments - Section Conclusion
Worked Examples
Viveza Worked Examples - Section Introduction
Viveza Worked Example One (8:41)
Viveza Worked Example Two (7:55)
Viveza Worked Example Three (8:50)
Viveza Worked Example Four (8:12)
Viveza Worked Example Four b (8:48)
Viveza Course Conclusion
The Viveza Adjustments - Section Introduction
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